
Some individuals are content to read creative tales and others are filled with the need to be creative themselves.

About this Site

This site is dedicated to those who need to create tales, stories and artwork.
From the positive energy that flows from creation, wonderous things can be brought into existance. To create a beautiful thing and share it with others is the ultimate expression of positive personal development.
The projects shown here are part of the creative works possible, as there are no limits. Let your imagination run.

About Me

My need to create started at a young age through simple stories and tales of furry creatures and the world that they came from. Later, gaming allowed me to create worlds that are vibrant, alive and filled with adventure. Starting with role playing games and then progressing to plot development and computer game development, the goal has always been the same. To create places and worlds that are as real as fantasy will alow them to be.

My engineering background allows me to design places that are believable and realistic as it pertains to physical laws and guidelines of the real world. Vibrant societies are built by the people that inhabit the worlds that they live in, therefore make the people real and believable then the world can have a life of its own. All that needs to be done is to allow the world to form in your mind then document the events; people, places and things that occur. Anything is possible, we place our own limits. Let the creation be positive and limitless, most of all have fun in the creation of things.