Game Encounters

1 minute read

In the spirit of game creation, I would like to provide interesting game encounters daily. Both to entertain and foster creative thought. Below is the first of my daily posts;

First Post

The rain pattered softly on the broad leafed plants that grew around several figures crouched in a forest glade. There was one who had his head to the ground, as if listening for something? The group were all wearing forest garb with bows slung on their backs and long blades at their sides. They were forest gaurdians of the realm and were tracking something ill in these woods. Numerous animals and livestock have disapeared in the area over the past days. If something is not done people could be next.

As the leader listened the ground jolted and then shook slightly. A faint ripple moved across the dirt then settled back to stillness. The party jumped in surprise at the movement, but quickly recovered their composure. There was no sign of a struggle by the animals that died other than a mound of freshly tilled earth and some blood. The mounds were about a meter across and showed little other details.

Just as the figure started to relax, the ground exploded with movement at their feet. Dirt clouds flew into the air and chunks of sod burst out of the ground at blistering speed. A large insectoid head with mandibles, as sharp a razors, was only a meter away from the leader’s head. The creatures expressionless black eyes surveyed its foes, then struck at the crouched man, who was trying to rise. In an instant the man was cut in two and both halves fell to the ground lifelessly. The men started to turn and run, but several more were sprayed with a thick blistering acid that spewed from the beasts mouth. The flesh of these unfortunate souls seemed to melt away like hot wax, as they died in agony. The creature sprang to finish the last of the men, but missed as the man sprinted for the trees. Screaming in fear the man reached the trees and did not look back. “It was a good day, food was plentiful and easy to come by here.”, thought the creature as it gorged on the hapless victims of its attack……

