
1 minute read

My goal as always is to inspire a positive gaming atmosphere. Gaming can bring diverse groups of people together and will promote dialogue and communication between members. Fun is the name of the game and any positive way to bring enjoyment to the game event is welcome. Let your imagination run with the thoughts presented on this site, create and share your ideas with others. Just as any great work of art, gaming will take time to master. The gaming world is the canvas of the game master and the people places and things in the world are the paint. Paintings can be created that are vibrant and full of life, adventures can be filled with life also. Plots that are created can inspire joy, sorrow and sometimes fear. All of these emotions are part of our lives and will bring a realism to your creations. The game master should focus on “realism”, if that is possible in an imagined way. The physical laws of this world should be maintained, until magic is involved. When magic is used the results can be less real, but much more spectacular and entertaining. Magic should not be the reson for wild and crazy things, although it may be the means to archive wild and crazy things. Most of all have a good time creating and keep your game fresh. Your players will have more fun and will continue to come back for more.

