
1 minute read

The Grand Mage Instructor droned on…..
“How is it possible that a unique life can exist in more than one place or time? This was the question posed by the Arch Mage Trion, more than 300 years ago. Here at the Elvar collage of magic and instruction we continue to ask this question today. There are a few principles that should guide these questions:

Multiple time and realities exist, but only one unique being can exist in one timeline similtainiously

It is possible to have a paradox form when unique beings cross dimensions

This paradox will cause the time lines to end instantly”

The Grand Mage Instructor continued as thoughts of the world outside rushed into Liatus’s mind. Oh this is beyond me, Liatus thought. I think I would rather have a steaming cup of Joit and some pipe weed. This was hopeless, why am I here? To satisfy my fathers need for a Taredion to once again rule the Elvar collage of magics? “Thats not going to happen”, Liatus Taredion muttered almost to loudly as he spoke to his thoughts. “I am not a pawn to be moved at the whim of my father. I do not possess the talent to be here nor do I wish to be here any longer”, Liatus whispered as if speaking to himself.

Just as he was preparing to leave the lecture a commotion and tumult could be heard out in the hall, as something thudded against the door with a loud bang and a grunt. All of the eyes in the room turned to the doorway, and a silence fell across the hall. The door flew open and a very powerful figure strode into the room clad in full armour. The figure scanned the room looking for someone, his eyes fell on Liatus. The figure stopped moving and removed his great helm. “Let me save you from this”, lets go. Everyone stared in amazement, it was Liatus talking to Liatus. A little older perhaps, but Liatus none the less. Both men left the room as the room exploded in noise and disbelief. One thought ran through the minds of everyone present, how is this possible? Where is the paradox? Why didn’t this reality end?

