The EDS Poteous

1 minute read

Jais, the first boy of the Evarin Dynastic ship Poteous, dozed on a pile of sails near the centre of the ship. “The winds are strong and the course is set. Stay steady at 500 feet till morning.”, Jais heard the Captain growl at the First Mate as he entered aft cabin. It had been only 2 days since the ship left Free Port and the voyage had been dreadfully dreary so far. This wasn’t what he had signed up for!

The sails whipped and snapped with a hypnotic rhythm, numbing the sleepy boys mind to the events occurring around him. Just as he roused himself a strange sound met his ears; clang, scrape, clang. “What’s that?”, he thought as he shook himself awake. Swordplay on the ship? .. How and why? As he sprang up and looked to the stern of the ship, the glint of metal was seen at the wheel. The first mate fell and perished with a gasp as a burly long bearded figure took control of the vessel. Just as Jais set out to scream the alarm, a single black arrow pierced his neck and his voice fell off to no effect. The last thing he saw was a ghost black ship pull alongside the Poteous, then all was lost to the dark of dark. During the next few minutes several unlucky crew members were thrown over the side of the ship. The Captain was dead, pinned to the ships mast by a pike. With cheers from the pirates, the ships treasure chest was quickly moved to the main deck. The black bearded figure smashed open the chest with a heavy hammer then yelled out in excitement, “It’s here, it’s here, thank the stars!”. He quickly snatched the silver and emerald encrusted goblet that he sought and turned to leave. He looked back from his bridge at the now doomed Evarin ship which had already been set alight. The flames spread quickly and it wasn’t long before it plummeted to the ground below, producing a large plume of flame.

