

1 minute read

My goal as always is to inspire a positive gaming atmosphere. Gaming can bring diverse groups of people together and will promote dialogue and communication between members. Fun is the name of the game and any positive way to bring enjoyment to the game event is welcome. Let your imagination run ...  More...

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1 minute read

The Grand Mage Instructor droned on….. “How is it possible that a unique life can exist in more than one place or time? This was the question posed by the Arch Mage Trion, more than 300 years ago. Here at the Elvar collage of magic and instruction we continue to ask this question today. There ar...  More...

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The EDS Poteous

1 minute read

Jais, the first boy of the Evarin Dynastic ship Poteous, dozed on a pile of sails near the centre of the ship. “The winds are strong and the course is set. Stay steady at 500 feet till morning.”, Jais heard the Captain growl at the First Mate as he entered aft cabin. It had been only 2 days since...  More...

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1 minute read

An eerie green glow lit up the boys young face as he filled one of the Grand Temple’s braziers that stood near each main entrance. He had already heaped up the cauldrons with charcoal and was now pouring the oil of blessing on the slowly burning flames. The oil as it burned made him nauseous, but...  More...

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The Coin

1 minute read

The gold coin glinted in the rays of the setting sun. “Not bad for a day’s work. There would be a lot of drinking done this evening.”, thought Toen as he placed the rare coin into his inside shirt pocket. Just as he was doing so several pair of eyes were bulging in disbelief at the sight of the c...  More...

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Game Encounters

1 minute read

In the spirit of game creation, I would like to provide interesting game encounters daily. Both to entertain and foster creative thought. Below is the first of my daily posts;  More...

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