
A complete single world suitable for fantasy game development.

Numerous races and kingdoms struggle to survive in a post extinction event world.

Shadow Watch Prison

The ruins of Shadow Watch Prison that housed the last of the Drail Lords

This vast ruin lies south of the Tanigray Swamp, away from the civilized lands to the north. A dark and evil curse lies on this place and most of the locals avoid the area out of fear. Rumors abound about undead shadows terroriizing the area, sounds like a great place to explore!

City of Free Port

A large city on the north side of Lake Kelva

The largest city in Kelvan, where merchants ply their trade. Goods move through the city from the Kelvan capital to Lake Kelva.

The Rift, a great scar in the middle of the lake prevents all movement east or west. Several ancient Drail whirlpools are used to move across the lake. The whirlpools are ancient and could fail, therfore travel using the whirlpools should be taken with care.

Cytax Temple

Ancient Drail Temple complex entrance

This well drops a great distance before opening into a vast cavern that houses the Cytax temple of the Drail. Located on the crater rim of the Blasted Lands, only the foolish or brave dare to venture into the depths of the temple. Vast treasure awaits to be taken in the depths, but formidable gaurdians protect the loot.

Drail Alter

A secluded Drail alter in the forested lands of Elva

The ancient and evil Drail built many of the alters to provide them power to cast their diabolicle spells. This alter is in the lands protected by the Elva, a race of warlike tribal centaurs. The centaurs seek out and destroy all of the evil creatures that congregate near these alters. If you are near one of these alters you should be careful as the local tribes may mistake you for evil doers and attack.

Abandoned Farm

A view west to the sea, south of the Tanigray

A tranquel farm-stead south of The Bridge now left in ruins, after being destroyed by the Tree-Ants. These insectoid horse sized creatures kill and eat almost everything in their path. Vast numbers have been seen in the lands south of the Bridge. The Elvar Elves hunt them down mercilessly, but the elves are weakening as their numbers dwindle.

Monastery Road

Overgrown road to the Monastery of Keen

The Monastery of Keen was renowned for its wine, and devotion to the Drail goddess Peritos. Ruined long ago the followers of this old faith are said to still make pilgrimages to the area. Terrible rites were said to have been performed at the monastery and the undead in the area may be restless. Care should be taken if you are in the area.

Varburg Castle and Area

Ancient Castle of the Blue Mountain Dwarves

A vast fortress that is almost impregnable to attack. For many years the minerals to make the fabled Blue Dwarven Steel have been mined in Varburg. Although the Keep is not vulnerable from attack on the surface, there are great evils that lie in the depths of the mine. It is rumored that there is a vast underground highway that runs under the keep, although this may be an exageration.

Drake Hills

The barren land east of the Blasted Lands is the Drake Hills

Dragons that breath flame, or worse, inhabit this barren land. Although they are as small as a horse they can be a formidable opponent. Dens are scratched out of the rocky hills and young are raised within, gods help you if you encounter a mother and her whelps.

Trade City

Trade City of the Eire Lords

It does not seem possible that a desolate and barren land like this could harbor a city so grand, the Trade City is a marvel of design and beauty. The avian Eire Lords created a haven to trade with the outside world and to make a handsome profit in so doing. This city is said to contain every good from all of Var, this may be true as the city is large and would take days to explore.

Tanigray Swamp

A vast swamp that lies at The Bridge

This festering pit is filled with moulds and slimes that will disolve your flesh in miniutes, only during the dry season can the area be traversed safely. Giant fungi and plants thrive in the continual moisture provided by The Bridge. After the collapse of The Bridge large amounts of undirected water pools at the break in the causeway. Over time this area has become the Tanigray, a vile and deadly swamp.

Pillars of the Titans

Two very large spires form a gateway to the south

These two towers form an opening in the South Sawtooth Mountains that in times past blocked the passage north. Built to keep out the Titans, a race of giants that roam the south lands. As the Titans moved on, or became extinct, the pillars have fallen into ruin; although the bright blue beacons on the top of each pillar still point the way north and home.

Spire City View

Spire, The city of Opposites

The city is dominated by many spires to the north of the city itself. These spires are the spiritual and cultural centers of this city, with the people split into either light or dark. Most of the ciizens are one of these two types, but there is another group called the gray. The gray administer the needs of the city and strive to maintain balance and limit strife in the city walls. In Spire there is a saying, “Light is Right”, and “Night is Right”, what side are you on?

Orta Vor

Fortified city on the edge of the Blasted Lands

Situated in a cleft in the rock, this city of merchants and traders gather the relics of the ruined Drail capital city. Great treasures can be found in the ruins, but great perils abound. Traps that can kill instantly, rivers of flame, undead horrors, and worse await those that enter the ruins.

Land of the Eire Lords

Great cities built high in the air

The great cities of the Eire Lords are legendary, with towers that gleam in gold and silver and colourful banners streaming in the wind. A reclusive race of avains reside within these palaces, strange and elegant birds like humanoids whose voices sound like singing. They hide from the world and send out their trade caravans south to the inhabited lands round the lake.

Map on Lake Kelvana

Regions around the Lake of Kelvana

Many diverse and often violent nations reside around the great lake, Kelvana. Most of the older races have retreated into their strongholds built in the past, therefore the younger or more adventurous races inhabit the areas around the lake. Over the years many empires have risen up and fallen in this area, so there are many ruins to investigate and explore. Good hunting.

The Bridge

Ruined stone causeway of the Drail

This magic stone construct was built to allow ship traffic to and from the sea. This causway connected the lake and the ocean by moving water either up of down hill. Many years ago the construct failed and broke in two, now all of the water is spilled into a vast swamp called the Tanigray. The area is very dangerous and should be avoided, although there are many ruins and old Drail cities along the constructs path.


Elva, Forested land of the Centaurs

Elvan warrior patrols scour this land seeking out evil, and then eradicating it on site. There are many Drail towers and alters in the area that seem to breed undead. For centuries these stalwart warriors have protected this area from the evils of the past. They are zealous and may not recognize outsiders as not being evil. Care should be taken while traveling these lands, as you don’t want to be executed for trespassing.


Land of the Kelvan north of the Lake

The Kelvan are a humanoid race that inhabit the land on the north side of the Lake. They are very humanlike in appearance and customs, although some differences are apparent. They claim that they are decendants of an old slave race of the Drail and there is little need to doubt these claims. They are industrious and have established many towns and cities in the area. They have built many stone towers called, “Cairns” that house gaurds and troops that maintain law and order within the realm. It is rumored that the Kelvan are not a slave race, but are the Drail themselves.


Map of the city from above

This is a map of the city of Spire that shows the divide between the light and the dark, light to the west and dark to the east. The major buildings are in the central part of the city and are managed by the gray.